Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Maggie's soccer team, "The Mighty Ninjas", played up an age group this season. It would not be such a big deal except they are a 12U team and they moved up to the 13/14U group. So, "little" Maggie, who is already one of the youngest in her age group because of when the cutoff date is, played against girls that go to school with Christine. Her team definitely did not win every game, but they hung with those older girls and made them work for their win. They even won 4 games.

Here is just one example of the size difference.

Maggie getting into the mix of things.

The Mighty Ninjas after a game. They received the Sportsmanship Award for their age group which was voted on by the coaches and referees.

Happy Halloween!

Christine with our neighbor girls, Enya and Isabella.

Taylor, Kylie, Maggie and Christine before heading out.
The boys...and I can't remember who wore what. Andrew's got the red ninja costume on.
Christine, Callie , Alexa and Casey.

Cross Country

Christine making it look easy.

This girl hung on for a while on Tuesday for her meet. The biggest problem was her family was yelling to her in Spanish. No fair! Maggie and Christine were laughing on the car ride home because her family kept on yelling "Andale...Andale" I think if you are going to yell at a meet you need to do it so that we can all understand what you are saying! I guess it's time for me to learn some more Spanish.