Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sixth Grade Clap Out

On the last day of school here the school has a "Clap out" for the sixth graders. A "Clap out" is when the rest of the school for a "tunnel" beginning at the back door and going to the parking lot. When the bell rings at the end of the day, the sixth graders exit the building walking through the "tunnel" while the rest of the school claps for them. I have no idea if they do this at other schools in our district, but is has become tradition at our school. Jennia came with me over the school with Christine's fan club. We put the top down on the Jeep per Christine's request. We had a minor problem before the kids came out of the school-Trent got stung by a bee. This picture was before the bee got him.

Christine and some of her friends coming through the "tunnel."

Maggie, Taylor, Christine, Alexa, Andrew and Trent. Jennia was so sweet-she brought Christine flowers.

Christine with Mr. Samford-her homeroom teacher and a few other subjects.

Back at home-our official junior high student.

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